Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
Presentation includes information about the different kinds of trauma including acute, chronic, and complex, how trauma impacts the brain and our students’ behavioral and emotional well-being, and how to respond effectively to create a learning environment that suits their students’ individual needs.
Presented at:
Crane NAfME Collegiate Conference, April 2022
Mindfulness in the Music Classroom
Presentation guides participants on how to implement Wellness in the Music Classroom through various avenues. Covered topics will include breathing techniques such as the three-part breath and timed exhales, meditation techniques such as noting, visualization, and the body scan, and yoga techniques such as the six movements of the spine. Additionally, we will discuss how implementing wellness into the music classroom can improve awareness around injury prevention and mental health. Finally, this wellness workshop isn't limited to any specific track as it can be implemented in any music classroom setting while promoting SEL standards.
Presented at:
NYSSMA Biennial Collegiate Conference Syracuse, NY. March 2022 - postponed to Eastern Division NAfME Conference
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